This movie was a let-down. It’s alright, but barely. It doesn’t really go anywhere, they never explain why it’s the apocalypse, and it drags. Though, I do suppose that’s much what the apocalypse would actually be like. Maybe that’s what they were going for.

The cinematography is nice, and the acting is good (I will say, the little boy does quite a good job). I appreciate good cameos, great actors that are ok with very small parts (of which my pick for Best Picture this year, The Hurt Locker, has at every single turn). A good debut from a new director. But after all the underground hype for this one, all the copies of the book stuffing the inside of my local Borders, I expected a lot more. I would honestly only recommend this movie to serious cinephiles.

One-line review: A post-apocalyptic thriller with no thrills and not much apocalypse.

Consensus: 55/100